
What is the EduOnMed game?

The interactive game EduOnMed was implemented in the framework of the ERASMUS+ Small Scale project 'EduOnMed - Training for refugee and migrant professionals in matters related to medicine' which is co-funded by the European Union. The game was created by GIVMED, using modern gamification technologies, with the support and extended input of CESIE and GrowthCoop. The content included in the game is based on the Healthy Diversity Training Programme in the framework of the “Healthy Diversity” project, adapted and reformulated within the EduOnMed project. The ultimate aim of the programme is to provide knowledge for health professionals supporting refugees and migrants on issues related to intercultural communication.

What is culture and who can produce one? What is diversity management and what is its purpose? How is cultural identity defined and obtained? The answers to all these questions can be found through playing and learning simultaneously!

EduOnMed game | intro

To contact the EDUonMED project team please contact

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